Raising Next Gen Men Online Course

Raising Next Gen Men Online Course

Regular price $149 Unit price per

Raising Next Gen Men is designed for parents, educators, coaches, and youth workers who work with boys and believe in better possibilities for the next generation of men.

This course will help you understand how boys shape—and are shaped by—a wide array of gender-based cultural norms, by delving into academic research in the field, young masculinity in popular culture, and real stories about boys just like yours.

Are you a school or youth program looking for multiple licenses? Please email us at info@nextgenmen.ca.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Katja Mathys
Boys will be creative, compassionate, grounded, grateful, brave, sensitive, gentle, focused, reso...

This course is invaluable. It is a comprehensive guide to understanding a wide array of gender-based cultural norms.
It also provides opportunities to explore scenarios that are applicable to each learners settings through stories. All coaches should take this course to support the holistic and athlete-centered approach we all need to carry out.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Lee Weiler
Way more than expected and so comprehensive!

I was blown away by the quality and volume of content packed into this relatively short online course. As somebody who has been active in this space for a few years, I was surprised by how much I didn't know and am glad I took this course as I'm now better equipped. Definitely recommend for everybody - specifically, educators, youth workers/counsellors, camp programmers, post-secondary student associations/unions/health and wellness teams, workplace HR and EAP staff.

Maxim Proulx
Great Foundation

This course has been a solid foundation for me to initiate workshops that were desperately needed at our school and in our community. It gave me the right tools to be open and confident about some tough topics that are not always easy to explain to teenagers. It also brings a positive approach to an old problem - teaching boys to be proper men in a fast-evolving society. We want to change the sports culture, it starts with giving kids the right tools and it all starts with these fundamentals. Thanks NGM!

Karen B. K. Chan
How have I been conditioned to react to boys and men that feed the very systems I want to dismantle?

What a wonderful deep dive into masculinity AND how I relate to it as an individual, as an educator, and as someone who loves the boys and men in my life. This course humanizes them. It shows how sexist and misogynistic social structures play out, in both explicit and nuanced ways. It brings home the message that to dismantle those systems we need to engage with boys and men, not leave them behind.

This course invited me into deep reflection: How have I been conditioned to respond and react to boys and men that feed into those very systems I want to dismantle? Plus, I had fun! Interspersed with beautiful short films, pieces of pop culture, and personal stories throughout, it was a pleasure to do the hard work of learning.

Thank you for putting this course together!

Tobi S.
A Path to Respect and Inclusion

This course serves to "undo" the man box training that all of us have been exposed to and teaches what it is to be inclusive and respectful. I'm a better person for it and so are my children. By extension, those close to us are either learning to be or have found an ally in us. Teachers, students, business leaders - whoever you are - this course lays that foundation for being humanists and now we can be part of that positive change. An informative and captivating course for those ready to do better but want to know what that looks like.